Just a Brief Info, Plant Cultivation
Distance of Planting and Creation , For Planting Jack Bean inter-cropping.
Distance of Planting and Creation , For Planting Jack Bean inter-cropping.
Jack Bean ( Koro Pedang)
Substitute Soy and Wheat for Food ingredients Livestock Feed and pharmaceutical industry, Versatile plant that can Improve Farmers' Income.
Jack Bean, in Indonesia language are - Koro Pedang (Canavalia Ensiformis) is a plant originating from South America / Central, this plant thrives and spreads in the tropics, in the international world of plants is known by the name of Jack Bean or Bean Horse, while in Indonesia known as the Peanut Padang, in some areas this plant is also known by the name; Kara Bedog, Mecca Nuts, Nuts Prasman, Koang (West Java) Bendo Koro, Koro Pedang, Krandang (Central Java) Ortel Kara, Kara Wedung (Madura) Peanut Wood (West Sumatra)
With a production capacity of 6 to 12 tons / season / 6 months is very profitable for farmers (compared to soybean production capacity of 1.2 tons / ha) plant is easy to maintain and can grow any place (20 to 2000 asl) planting is done by a distance of 50-100 cm (20,000 trees / ha) to produce a maximum crop, Koro can restore soil fertility levels on critical land, can be grown as a crop intercropping with Chili, Tomato, Cabbage and cash crops such as Cocoa, Coffee, Rubber etc..
Jack Bean can be used as food ingredients such as tempeh, tofu, various cakes (substitute wheat for making flour) snack, shredded mix, instant noodles, milk etc. Jack Bean can be a substitute for soybean meal for animal feed, such as: Poultry, Beef / buffalo, goat, fish.
Extract jack bean required pharmaceutical industry to manufacture various products such as: Skin food, drug compounds dialysis for kidney failure patients, launched menstruation, cancer drugs (to kill cancer cells and can crumple virus) increase hemoglobin levels in the blood. Jack Bean [ Tempe ] consumed nursing mothers, to increase production and milk quality and increase the resilience of the body (substance stimulates production of antibodies to the body)
Chili Planting
People's Movement Independent Economic DPP / GERAM with its business units, acting as guarantor for the crop farmers and investors for local and international markets jack bean (Koro), with a definite price. Koro cultivation sword is a very prospective business, significant market share (domestic market potential of 9 million tons / year as a substitute for soybeans and exports 14 million tons / year) with the rate of return of 60% / planting season. Click Here : To Argricultural Webpages